How to Fix Concrete Driveway Cracks

Leo Donovan • Oct 16, 2023

To fix concrete driveway cracks, start by checking how bad they are. Get tools like gloves and a special mixture for small cracks or a different one for bigger ones. For small cracks, clean them up, put in the mixture, and smooth it out. For bigger cracks, clean them, fill them with the right mixture, and make sure to stay safe by wearing protective gear. That's how you can repair concrete driveway cracks and keep your driveway looking good.

·      Assess Before You Act: Prioritize a thorough assessment of your concrete driveway cracks before starting repairs.


·      Tools and Materials: Ensure you have the right tools and materials on hand for successful repairs.


·      Different Cracks, Different Fixes: Understand crack types and choose the appropriate repair method.


·      Preventative Measures: Regular sealing and maintenance can prevent future cracks and extend your driveway's life.


·      Safety First: Prioritize safety by wearing protective gear and working in well-ventilated areas when handling concrete.


Concrete driveways are not just functional; they also significantly contribute to your home's curb appeal. A well-maintained concrete driveway can enhance the overall aesthetics of your property and increase its value. However, over time, cracks can develop in concrete driveways due to various factors such as weather, wear and tear, or even improper installation. These unsightly cracks not only diminish the visual appeal but can also lead to more significant structural issues if left unattended.

In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the process of fixing concrete driveway cracks, from assessing the damage to using the right tools and materials for the job. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some DIY experience, this step-by-step guide is designed to help you tackle this essential home improvement project with confidence.

Assessing the Damage


Before diving into the repair process, it's essential to evaluate the severity of the cracks on your concrete driveway. Not all cracks are the same, and understanding their nature is crucial for the repair process. If you're uncertain about the damage's extent, it might be a good idea to consult with professionals to experience the best in Cairns concreting, who can provide expert guidance.

Identifying Different Types of Cracks

Types of Concrete Cracks
Type of Crack Description
Hairline Cracks Very thin cracks, often less than 1/8 inch wide, typically superficial.
Surface Cracks Wider and more visible cracks that do not extend through the entire concrete thickness.
Deep Cracks Severe cracks that may extend through the entire driveway, requiring special attention.

·      Hairline Cracks: These are very fine cracks, often less than 1/8 inch wide. They are typically superficial and can be addressed with ease. For a more detailed approach on handling such cracks, you might want to check out this guide on concrete driveway repair and restoration.


·      Surface Cracks: These cracks are wider than hairline ones but don't usually penetrate the entire concrete thickness. They are more noticeable and might need a different repair strategy. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide on restoring such cracks, this article on restoring concrete driveways might be of help.


·      Deep Cracks: These are the most concerning as they might extend through the entire thickness of the driveway. Such cracks often demand more intensive repair efforts. One common reason for these cracks is tree roots growing beneath the driveway. To understand how to address this, here's a guide on how to repair a concrete driveway damaged by tree roots.


Determining Structural vs. Superficial Cracks

It's essential to differentiate between structural and superficial cracks. Structural cracks affect the stability and integrity of the driveway and require more extensive repairs, while superficial cracks are primarily cosmetic issues.

To determine if a crack is structural, look for signs such as:

·      Cracks that are wider than 1/4 inch


·      Uneven or displaced concrete sections


·      Multiple interconnected cracks


If you suspect structural damage, it's advisable to consult a professional before proceeding with repairs.

Tools and Materials


Now that you've assessed the damage and identified the type of cracks you're dealing with, let's gather the necessary tools and materials for the job. Here's a comprehensive list to ensure you're well-prepared:

·      Safety Gear: Safety should always come first. Ensure you have gloves, safety glasses, and a dust mask to protect yourself from any potential hazards.


·      Chisel and Hammer: These tools will be handy for widening cracks and creating a better surface for the filler to adhere to.


·      Wire Brush or Broom: Use a wire brush or broom to clean the crack and remove any loose debris.


·      Concrete Crack Filler: Depending on the crack's nature, you might need a concrete patching compound or a concrete mix. Opt for a top-notch product that caters to your specific needs. For a more detailed approach on filling cracks, here's an article on how to fill concrete driveway cracks.


·      Caulk Gun: You'll need a caulking gun to apply the concrete filler accurately.


·      Trowel: A trowel is essential for smoothing and leveling the filler during the repair process.


·      Concrete Sealer: Once the cracks are repaired, it's a good idea to seal the entire driveway with a quality concrete sealer to add an extra layer of protection and enhance its appearance.


·      Putty Knife: This tool can be helpful for smaller cracks, ensuring that the filler is applied evenly.


·      Paintbrush: A paintbrush is useful for applying concrete sealer evenly across the surface.

Repair Methods
Repair Method Description
Hairline Crack Repair Clean crack, apply patching compound, and level.
Surface Crack Repair Clean, use concrete mix or patching compound, and level.
Deep Crack Repair Clean, widen, use concrete mix with gravel for strength, and level.
Preventative Maintenance Regular sealing, avoiding heavy loads, and proper snow removal.

Repairing Hairline Cracks


Step 1: Clean the Crack


·      Start by cleaning the hairline crack thoroughly using a wire brush or broom. Remove any dirt, debris, or loose concrete particles. A clean surface ensures proper adhesion of the filler.


Step 2: Apply Concrete Patching Compound


·      Using a caulking gun, apply a concrete patching compound into the cleaned crack. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific product you've chosen.


·      Fill the crack slightly above the surface to account for shrinkage during drying.


Step 3: Smooth and Level


·      Use a trowel to smooth and level the filler, ensuring it's flush with the surrounding surface. Work the trowel over the crack in a smooth, continuous motion.


·      Allow the filler to cure for the recommended time, usually around 24 hours. During this period, it's crucial to keep the area free of foot traffic or heavy objects to prevent damage to the freshly filled crack.


Filling Surface Cracks

Surface cracks are wider and more visible than hairline cracks, but they can still be repaired effectively with the right approach.

Step 1: Clean the Crack


·      Begin by cleaning the surface crack with a wire brush or broom, similar to the process for hairline cracks. Ensure the crack is free from debris.


Step 2: Use Concrete Mix or Patching Compound


·      Depending on the width and depth of the surface crack, you can use a concrete mix or a patching compound designed for larger cracks.


·      Prepare the mix or compound according to the manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that it has the right consistency for easy application.


Step 3: Fill the Crack


·      Apply the prepared mix or compound into the surface crack, ensuring it's slightly above the surface to account for shrinkage.


·      Use a trowel to smooth and level the filler, creating a seamless finish with the surrounding concrete.


·      Allow the filler to cure as per the manufacturer's recommendations.


Addressing Deep Cracks


Deep cracks require a different approach, as they may extend through the entire thickness of the driveway. To address these more severe cracks, you'll want to use a concrete mix that contains gravel for added strength.

Step 1: Clean and Widen the Crack


·      Begin by cleaning the deep crack thoroughly and removing any loose debris using a wire brush or broom.


·      Use a chisel and hammer to widen the crack slightly. This will create a better surface for the concrete mix to adhere to.


Step 2: Mix Concrete for Deep Cracks


·      Prepare the concrete mix by following the instructions on the packaging. Make sure it contains gravel for added strength.


·      Mix the concrete thoroughly, achieving a consistency similar to thick oatmeal.


Step 3: Fill the Crack


·      Apply the prepared concrete mix into the deep crack, ensuring it's filled to the top.


·      Use a trowel to smooth and level the mix, creating a uniform surface with the surrounding concrete.


·      Allow the deep crack repair to cure, which may take longer than surface or hairline crack repairs. Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for curing times.


Resurfacing the Driveway

In some cases, when your concrete driveway has numerous cracks or extensive damage, resurfacing the entire driveway may be the most effective solution. This process involves applying a thin layer of concrete over the existing surface to give it a fresh, uniform appearance.

Step 1: Clean the Driveway


·      Begin by thoroughly cleaning the entire driveway. Remove any debris, dirt, or loose concrete. A pressure washer can be particularly helpful for this step.


Step 2: Prepare the Resurfacer


·      Choose a concrete resurfacer product, such as Quikrete Re-Cap Concrete Resurfacer, and follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing.


·      Prepare the resurfacer to the recommended consistency, which is typically like pancake batter.


Step 3: Apply the Resurfacer


·      Pour the mixed resurfacer onto the driveway in sections.


·      Use a long-handled squeegee or a concrete finishing broom to spread the resurfacer evenly across the surface. Work quickly, as the resurfacer can start to set in about 20 minutes.


·      Pay attention to creating a smooth and uniform layer, ensuring it covers all cracks and imperfections.


·      Allow the resurfacer to dry for the time specified by the manufacturer, usually around 6 hours.


Preventative Maintenance

Once you've repaired your concrete driveway, it's essential to take steps to prevent future cracks and damage. Here are some preventative maintenance tips:

·      Seal the Driveway: Regularly sealing your driveway with a high-quality concrete sealer can protect it from potential damage factors like water and chemicals. If you're contemplating a new driveway or significant repairs, exploring concrete driveway options can offer insights into durable solutions.


·      Avoid Heavy Loads: Minimize heavy vehicle traffic and avoid parking heavy vehicles in the same spot regularly. These can cause stress on the concrete and lead to cracks over time.


·      Clear Snow and Ice Properly: During winter, use a plastic snow shovel instead of metal to remove snow and ice. Metal shovels can damage the concrete surface.


·      Address Oil and Stains: Promptly clean up oil spills and other stains to prevent them from penetrating the concrete and causing damage.


·      Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect your driveway for any signs of cracking or damage. Early detection allows for timely repairs.


Safety Precautions


Safety should always be a top priority when working with concrete and related materials. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

·      Protective Gear: Wear gloves, safety glasses, and a dust mask to shield yourself from potential hazards, including dust and chemicals.


·      Ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.


·      Follow Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the tools, materials, and products you use.


·      Stability: Ensure the stability of your work area, and use proper supports or safety equipment when necessary.




Maintaining a well-maintained concrete driveway is not only about aesthetics; it's also about preserving the structural integrity of your property. Cracks in your driveway may seem like a minor issue, but if left unchecked, they can lead to more significant problems and costly repairs down the road.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking the necessary preventative measures, you can address concrete driveway cracks effectively and prolong the life and appearance of your driveway. Don't wait until the cracks become a more extensive issue; take action promptly and enjoy a beautifully maintained driveway for years to come.

Additional Resources and References 

In crafting this comprehensive guide on "How to Fix Concrete Driveway Cracks," I've drawn upon a wealth of trusted sources, expert insights, and practical experience. Below, you'll find a compilation of the references that informed and enriched this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Can I repair concrete driveway cracks myself?


Yes, many concrete driveway cracks can be repaired by homeowners with some basic DIY skills. However, it's essential to assess the severity of the cracks and choose the appropriate repair method. If you're unsure or dealing with structural cracks, consulting a professional is advisable.

What causes concrete driveway cracks in the first place?


Concrete driveway cracks can result from various factors, including weather conditions (freeze-thaw cycles), heavy vehicle traffic, age, improper installation, and soil settling. Identifying the root cause can help prevent future cracks.

Should I patch small cracks in my concrete driveway, or is resurfacing a better option?


For small cracks, patching with a suitable filler or patching compound is typically sufficient. However, if your driveway has numerous cracks or extensive damage, resurfacing the entire driveway may provide a more durable and aesthetically pleasing solution.

Is sealing a concrete driveway necessary after repairing cracks?


Yes, sealing your concrete driveway after repairing cracks is highly recommended. A concrete sealer adds an extra layer of protection, prevents moisture infiltration, and helps maintain the appearance of your driveway. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for resealing frequency.

How long does it take for concrete driveway crack repairs to dry and cure completely?


The drying and curing times for concrete driveway crack repairs vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the specific product used. Generally, you can expect most repairs to dry in 24 hours and fully cure in several days. Be patient and avoid heavy traffic during the curing process.


Need more information? Speak to one of our experts and get personalised advice on your project to bring your vision to life. Contact us today to schedule your consultation or request a free consultation.

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